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Now available on demand!

ECMO during the COVID pandemic and beyond, live date was Thursday, January 27 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm CET.

  • Philipp Lepper (Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany) : Ventilation on ECMO in patients with COVID-19
  • Harlinde Peperstraete (Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium): Improving outcome of the Covid-ECMO patient
  • Prof. Antonio Arcadipane (ISMETT, Palermo, Italy): COVID-19 pandemic: impact of ECMO rescue in a Mediterranean underserved area
  • Prof. Akram Abdelbary (Chairman ELSO, SWAAC - As-Salam International Hospital, Cairo, Egypt): ECMO in COVID: Many questions few answers

Session moderator: Prof. Alain Combes (La Pitié, Paris, France)

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ECLS is a treatment option to provide mechanical extracorporeal assistance to support or replace a patient’s heart and/or lungs - sometimes required during COVID-19 cases.

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